Advancing Business & STEM Diversity


— TRIBE ACADEMY accelerates Business and STEM diversity.

We are an innovative start-up founded by a group of badass, diverse technology and business leaders.

Since our pilot program in 2019, we have impacted 500+ diverse students and professionals through our engaging, interactive and proven programs and events. We work with leading corporations to bridge the talent diversity gap. Over 90% of our participants identify as people of color and nearly half are in STEM fields. Our alumni attest to the role of Tribe Academy in launching and advancing their careers at some of the biggest brands in the world, including Fidelity Investments, Dell Technologies, Microsoft, Amazon, IGT and more.

TRIBE reflects the power in having a community of supporters and advocates. It also demonstrates our commitment to serve those from traditionally underrepresented racial and cultural backgrounds in business & STEM sectors.

ACADEMY reflects our learning and training-based approach. We equip young people with the necessary skills to excel in tomorrow’s top professions.

Together, through a robust network of sponsors, mentors and champions, we are changing career and life trajectories for students and professionals of color.

Our unwavering belief is that the strongest tribe lifts all to thrive.